Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Big 3-0

This year Dave turned 30, so we commemorated the event with an entire weekend of celebration.

On Friday night, Dave played Halo with his buddies into the wee hours of the morning.

On Saturday, the Rysers took him to Nickel Cade where he and Nick played Battle Toads to their heart's content.

On Sunday, the Blackmers came over for a Super Hero party! Fortunately, the Blackmers are awesome and always get into themed parties, especially costume ones.

Athena and the Green Hornet 

Black Widow, Spiderman, Princess Pea, David Dunn (from Unbreakable)

Two caped super heroes

Super Mom, Wolverine, Iron Man, Batman, Gambit
Thorina and Clark Kent (or is he?)
Dave prefers pie, so we decorated some pies: