Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Parenting an Older Child

I initially thought it would be so sweet to foster children age 6 and younger, the ages of children we would have had, had we been able to become pregnant when we first started trying. Then when Dave and I were being trained to be foster parents, we learned about the huge need of homes for older children. We decided to be licensed for children up to age 10. I am SO grateful we did, or we would not have met our amazing B! Now she's 9 and I'm realizing how hard it is to parent a child who I would have had when I was 22. Over my years of infertility, I kind of lost touch with a lot of my friends who were starting families. The mom friends I have today are my age and they have toddlers and babies. I can't ask them for advice about sleepovers, homework or chores. B doesn't go to a school in our neighborhood so I haven't gotten to know the moms of her friends at school. B's friends' moms in the neighborhood are much older than I am and it has been harder to connect with them. So I kind of feel like I'm on my own in parenting a nine-year-old. It has been a challenge.

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