Thursday, October 21, 2010

Full House

It felt like that over General Conference weekend! Over the week leading up to and during General Conference, we had 9 people and two dogs stuffed into our home. Rory is here, and then one of my mission companions from South Korea, Eunji, came in town, and then my college roomie Cassidy and her husband and two adorable children did, and then one of my other mission companions from Scotland, Eileen, was in town, so we had to have her come stay, too! It was crazy, but so much fun! We are so happy that we have the space to accommodate house guests now. We love having friends come to visit! If you're ever in the SLC area, know that you always have a room at the Blackmers!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Now I know why you had to cancel on me! :D Sounds like everyone had a blast!
