Thursday, October 21, 2010

Young Women Utah Temple Tour

About three weeks after we moved into our new home, I received a calling as Young Women's President. As you can see from the photos, these young women and the leaders that I work with are remarkable, and so much fun! I have loved getting to know the young women in this neighborhood. They blow me away. They are so spiritually strong and joyful and loving and fun, you just love to be with them! We have set a goal to visit all of the temples in Utah (all 15 of them) as a group. We have visited two so far, and are excited for Jordan River with the young men this month!


  1. That is a fun goal! When Michael & I were engaged we decided we wanted to visit all the temples in the United States. After 3 years (or so) of marriage we have been to 3. :0 haha We really need to kick it in gear. At least knock all of the Utah ones off our list before we move out of state!

  2. Awesome goal! Aaron and I made that goal when we got married and we only have the Monticello left...

    I hope you guys meet your goal!
